Low FODMAP Resources

If you’re new to the low FODMAP diet it can be quite overwhelming trying to find accurate information or useful resources to help support your gut health journey. We’ve put together a list of some wonderful resources including apps, websites and social accounts so that you can learn more about the low FODMAP diet. 


Monash University low FODMAP website

The single most useful resource if you’re looking to learn more about the Low FODMAP diet is the Monash University low FODMAP website. Monash University researchers first developed the low FODMAP diet which has helped many people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Their website takes you through what FODMAPs are, how the 3-step diet works as well as including dietitian resources, helpful articles and recipes. Monash University also developed a low FODMAP diet app where you can walk through the steps and search a range of foods to see if they are low or high FODMAP. 


Dietitians directory

The low FODMAP diet can be quite complex and difficult to navigate on your own. It is also not a long term diet or a diet that is focused around weight loss but rather on the management of gastrointestinal symptoms. When beginning this diet it is recommended that you work with a registered dietitian or health professional to ensure your nutritional needs are still being met. Take a look at the FODMAP dietitians directory to find someone in your area.

The FODMAP Challenge

Another option if you’re beginning or struggling with your FODMAP journey is to consider a dietitian run course like the FODMAP challenge. This course includes support to guide you through the 3-steps of the diet, meal plans, recipes and discussion groups. 



Fodshopper is the world’s first online nutritionist-run shop specialising in FODMAP friendly products. They offer a range of food products for people who are managing conditions such as IBS, IBD, Coeliac’s Disease and other gut disorders. Their product line features items from a range of countries, enabling buyers to purchase all their low FODMAP needs from one place. 


Another great online store for all your low FODMAP essentials is Loforganics. Their large range of products are all approved by a registered dietitian and they have you covered from everything you’ll need in your pantry to sweet treats and snacks. Additionally they offer monthly subscription boxes where you can receive 7 - 10 FODMAP friendly products and 2 recipe cards. 


Lastly, we’ve put together a few accounts and websites we highly recommend following for more IBS related content. 




Modifying high FODMAP recipes


Low FODMAP Milk and Milk Alternatives